Hi. I have bought some high heeled shoes to wear for the Christmas parties I'm going to but I find it almost impossible to walk in them. Also my heels keep coming out of the shoes although I'm wearing the right size. Help please for both dilemmas. Thanks Elaine x
What style shoes are they? Is the back 'filled in'? If so buy some heel grips to help them stay on your feet,also get some gel cushions for the balls of your feet,it makes them much more bearable to walk in.
Those are some high heels to learn on! Any possibility that you could borrow some lower heels to practice with first? Its easier to work up to the higher heel rather than jump right into them, and you could turn your ankle (not fun for the party to have a sprained ankle!) I would start with a 2" kitten heel and once you learn to balance without wobbling, move up to a 3", then the 4". If you don't have much time before the party, maybe rethink the shoes. Nothing like taking a spill at a party in front of some cute guy to kind of ruin your evening!