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Which gloves for my girlfriend?

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Fibonaci | 09:17 Tue 18th Nov 2008 | Gift Ideas
6 Answers
Which cashmere gloves for my girlfriend? I found this hmere_Gloves.html , but don't know which gloves to buy.


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They are very nice. I like bright gloves so I would get the red. Also look as M&S leather gloves at �15 They ate lovely as well.
Question Author
I think red are fine! Thanks for an answer, I'll take them.
for Christmas? how nice that you're already planning. she's a lucky girl :o)

PS - I'd like the red ones, too.. thanks!
Question Author
Yes Sara, for christmas :) Yeah, she's lucky ;) But I'm lucky too
If 2 for 1, I'll have the black but would have to wear them inside leather gloves else they slip on steering wheel.
okay, stop now before I'm sick ;o)

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Which gloves for my girlfriend?

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