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a step too far perhaps

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emmie | 07:35 Thu 04th Aug 2011 | Shopping & Style
8 Answers

sorry if link doesn't work, so if not look this up, very strange ideas about how to shop


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Ye gods, packed tube platform - commuters & tourists & some one trying to zap a poster of a packet of crisps. Doesn't bear thinking about really.
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falling on the line, can see the headline now, haven't we enough trouble shopping as it is without this.
if your link dosen't work, how will people know what to look up?
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it does, but i did put all www address, so assume that you could look it up on net, sometime i have known link not to work.
-- answer removed --
Worked for me. But i'm afraid that idea doesn't.

So if its faulty do you bring it back to the train station?
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weecalf, perhaps but who do you take your complaint to....

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a step too far perhaps

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