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offer exclusions.... why?

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Maggoty | 08:04 Mon 15th Aug 2011 | Shopping & Style
13 Answers

Just something that makes me wonder each time but never remember to find out. But hey - have remembered this time!!

When there are special offers such as £5 off £50 of shopping or double vouchers in certain depts there are always exclusions. And invariably the same exclusions. They are usually petrol, fags etc but also Infant formula.

Why Infant Formula?





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Good question.
Even the clucard points vouchersI arned are not accepted for payment towards petrol , tobacco ...and infant milk formula
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It's against the law to offer promotions on infant formula. apparently its to ensure that parents have a fair and objective information wit regards to infant formula and breasfeeding.
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Yes - but you don't get petrol with the special offers ie £5 off if you spend £40 etc But its the infant milk thing that puzzles me. I assume with petrol and fags its so you don't just go in and buy those. They want you shopping in the store so that you pick up other stuff. But why Infant milk??


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Sorry Chuck - our posts crossed.

Thanks for that.. I can now sleep easy :-)

I agree Eddie51- i use them for fuel.
But this is odd: on the front it say "use in-store, online, Tesco fuel,..." but on the back it says "Excludes tobacco, lottery, infant formula milk... and Esso fuels..."
I wonder if that means you can't use it for fuel at a Tesco express?
Rather than banning adverts for infant formula why can't we simply redress the balance by having adverts for breasts on TV..... that way everyone's happy :)
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Eddie, ask the GP to prescribe it
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great news :)

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offer exclusions.... why?

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