That is your choice, smurf.
There are two sorts of Far Eastern ones in terms of copies. Most of them (handbags) are shambolic copies and the difference is very evident, even to a male eye.
Many of the real ones are made in Korea....the way it works is that someone like Chanel orders 1000 bags of a particular style, so for quality purposes, the manufacturer makes 1300. 1000 are delivered, 300 are left over. The 100 real duds are sold off at a knock-down price and the other 200 are perfectly good, just the Chanel tag removed and sold at a very good price.
Many years ago I bought 6 Chanel large handbags, 6 of those "quilt" purses and 6 key-rings for under £500.....Xmas presents solved. The area of Seoul for this is the Itaewon and if you are ever there, go to the back of the shop and carry on through, usually past a separating curtain to get to this sort of material........