What's the way to do it? in The AnswerBank: Shopping & Style
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What's the way to do it?

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Sonyme | 11:48 Mon 14th Nov 2011 | Shopping & Style
4 Answers
One of my grandsons has asked me to get him a little stocking filler, he doesn't know what it is called, and neither do I, nor where to get one. It is the thing that the Punch and Judy man puts in his mouth to create the voice of Mr. Punch. I thinnk his school teacher will be getting some
questions answered in an unusual way - at least until it is confiscated or swapped for someting equally useless.

Any one know what it's called and where it might be found?
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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It's called a 'swazzle'....quite where you would buy one these days I have no idea, but this might interest you.

The bay of e's is your friend....

Stap me vitals, chuck!!! :o)

I didn't think of looking there...
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Thanks for quick reply. I will read the articlle and see what can be done. Thaks again

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