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Wedding outfit

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crapmemory | 18:36 Fri 09th Mar 2012 | Shopping & Style
8 Answers
There will be a family wedding in April and my 90 year old MIL wants a trouser suit. She is a size 16. Any ideas where to look are welcome! TA


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M&S - a big branch though, where there is lots of choice and plenty of sizes and leg lengths.

Our Bon Marché's just shut, B00 - part of the Peacocks group not being retained in our town.
oh right, perhaps not BM then!
Try the Fifty Plus website there are some nice things there. Sizes go from 12 up to 30/32.
How can it be called 50+ when the sizes only go up to 32, nungate?
age, DT - not dressing up as mutton dressed as lamb.... (if you'll forgive the sheepy analogy)
EASTEX is suited to the elderly
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Thanks for all your suggestions. Will start looking!

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Wedding outfit

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