Ebay Question in The AnswerBank: Shopping & Style
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Ebay Question

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EvianBaby | 14:35 Wed 04th Apr 2012 | Shopping & Style
9 Answers
Can a seller see if anyone and who is watching an item they have listed if there are no bids placed yet?
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They can see that there are watchers but not who.
I'm certain that they can see that an item is being 'watched' but not who by, I don't think. I stand to be corrected on this.
If there are no bids, then no, just a number of watchers against the item listing.
as above
No, you cant see who is watching you ;-)
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Actually I don't suppose it really matters to me if they can see who is watching. Thanks for confirming!
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I won't bother starting a new thread as it's related but I have another question.

Are payment by PayPal instant?

I've bought a table and chairs and the seller has said cash on collection is fine but that might not be until towards the end of next week so I'm wondering if it's a good idea to just pay him so he knows I'm not messing him around. There's also a chance one of the lads might pick it up this afternoon so instead of faffing around transferring the money to them to give to him it would be better if I could just pay by paypal as long as it goes through to him straight away.
When you make a pyment by paypal I believe the recipient will get an email telling them that you hve paid. I think this happens almost immediately but I could be wrong
They will probably prefer cash though, so they don't have to pay any paypal fees
Cash on collection only - nowt to do with PP fees, it is safer for the seller
The seller knows it is the best for him - plus if the goods are not up to scratch, you can walk away

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