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Does anyone have any high contacts within London Transport? We need to rent a tube and need a price on this.

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Marufoo | 08:50 Fri 20th Apr 2012 | Shopping & Style
76 Answers
Hello, I am a mediatior for a affluent and powerful arab family who want to rent a tube train for a few hours when they arrive in may, does anyone know whether this can be arranged? It will be for a party for 500 people and for 3 hours and they are willing to rent this after the tube has stopped when the tube line has shut and will pay a very big handsome wage to any station attendants, the tube driver and everyone else involved although they will have their own security team with them. as well as very large donations to charities of london transports choice.
The obvious route would be to ask lt themselves but my secretary thought that asking here may be a better idea considering that someone may have a friend or relative who could help. The conditions would be that 1-They will be serving alcohol and food. 2- That a team from saudi would be able to decorate the tube with their own decor prior to the family embarking on their journey. 3-No camera's allowed to photograph or video them. 4-A legal waiver signed by all involved not to talk to the media in any way shape or form about the family in question and their party of friends and relatives. 5-The tubes windows will be temporarily blackened out to allow privacy. 6-The tube must me brand new, clean and preferably the Jubilee line, but this can be negotiated.
My people need an answer by 4pm today so please any help will be welcome.
Thank you for your help.
Mr Marufoo.


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I suggest you contact Ivor Mole of the London Underground, He is the Tunnels Director.
grasscarp - in retrospect, I think they were almost certainly highly trained SAS security owls. They are well hard and Mr Marufoo would do well to try and hire a few for the event
I am a representitive of a powerful secret organisation that protects London from religious extremist suicide bombers. Giving free access to the tube network to Saudi 'security' officers would not be permitted even on a scruffy part of the network. :-)
bear in mind you'll need tons of Oyster cards - Arabs don't drink alcohol do they???
Ive got a good idea but I dont like it
I think its a plot to help Abu Qatada escape....
They do - in buckets.

Just go to Bahrain and watch them in the bars of the hotels - the country should be renamed Bar-rain,r:6,s:55,i:208

Look what they did to the last one they had...
If all else fails Mr.M I have a boob tube I could let you have....for a price.
Perhaps they're going to invite Theresa may on board & then drive her round in a blacked out train until she doesn't know what day it is ...

... ah - or was that earlier this week they did that :+)
ah but DT they don't like to admit it.

i can save up the tubes from kitchen rolls and toilet rolls if this would help from now until then £100 the lot postage extra.
i think we both have the same idea weecalf.
Contact 'arry redknapp he has a few tubes you can have .
-- answer removed --
DTC - that's brilliant. I never knew Sqad was an owl though, although he does seem very wise.
dtcfan - now you have me choking.
Question Author
I can see by many comments here that this is taken in jest but was warned by my secretary that fridays are full of japery and leg pulling so this has made me smile.
On a serious note, if the tube is out of the question, are there any overhead trains available? If it was possible they would have this on the road but unfortunately a 5 star road train or coach for 500 people does not exist.
We are currently awaiting a phonecall from your ex prime minister who hopefully maybe able to help us, but if you think of anything please feel free to post it here as in between my phonecalls and emails I am still glancing over here.
Many thanks to you all.
Mr Marufoo.
Hey DT...Dad said we don't have to do The Saudis any more after the last episode with the stuffed crocodile...

Some brilliant responses here - won't even try to top them. Just keep them coming, best laugh I've had for a while. Your's is brilliant DTC.
japery and leg it...we will be on to high spirits and whimsicality next.

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Does anyone have any high contacts within London Transport? We need to rent a tube and need a price on this.

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