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I want to buy furniture

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stick123 | 08:54 Thu 26th Jul 2012 | Shopping & Style
25 Answers
I want to buy furniture but I am in dilemma. I don't have much idea about where i can find best
furniture stores in the uk
Guys, do you have any idea about it? if yes, then share with me.

Thanks in advanced...


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Even the best furniture stores sell items that, to put it politely, are not of the best quality.
Depends what furniture you want (well built ready made, flat pack takeway etc).

I think you will find Ikea interesting.

My wife and I have bought a few things from Ikea over the last 10 years or so and never had a "dud".

We have had an Ikea dining table for many years that is still in fine condition, some floor standing Ikea bookshelves in two alcoves that are still fine, and we also had our kitchen done out with Ikea units about 10 years ago and not had anything break yet (doors and drawers still work etc).

Even if you dont buy anything there Ikea is still woth a visit to get some ideas.
M&S do a nice range. I find Ikea well worth avoiding. Great store in Edinburgh called JB McLeans.
Wait for the Ad...
John Lewis also have a good furniture section is you have one nearby.

Not cheap but usually well made stuff.
Ummm, I somehow expected some kind new AB member to put up a link as well. How wrong can one be!
Wait for it!!!!!!!
What sort of furniture?.
Where are you?.
I could recomend some shops where you could get some very good but very expensive furniture or there are / were some good value shops near where I live on the north side of Birmingham.
I do not know if they will deliver just anywhere in the country and at what price.
I am going to look for a table this weekend so I could enquire on your behalf.
Obvously you would have to visit yourself as I could only look at your basic requirements.
The last item I purchased was a chair and that was at the end of 2009.

We've got some lovely furniture in our charity shop. Good, well made, stuff. I can give you a link if you like.
You just missed out on some nice furniture earlier in the week .alas its sawn up now .Isnt the world an unequal p[lace those that have dont want it those who dont need it
Hi Tilly

I purchased a large picture for the lounge at a charity shop. I polished the frame and it is as good as new.
I have not seen a picture which would go into that place better since.

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Harrods do some fine furniture. It's a bit pricey, though.
I'm too quick for ya, fluffy...
wasn't you Chucky! Was me!

I don't reckon Harrods for furniture, I prefer Heal's. Harrods is great for video/sound systems................
well i've heard speedy is your nickname :-)
any way if you want furniture try you local skip

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