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Amazon Gift Vouchers...

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janzman | 21:44 Tue 22nd Jan 2013 | Shopping & Style
14 Answers
...We were given a £50 voucher for Christmas.We decided to split it £25 each.I want to buy something costing £65 using £25 from the voucher (plus £40 from debit).At checkout I get £65 less £50 voucher + £15 debit.I dont see how to split the voucher can anyone help me please??


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why don't you use the voucher for your purchase (all of it) then just give your other half £25 in cash?
Use OH's voucher as well and give OH the cash equivalent
or spend the £50 voucher in making your purchase and at the same time buy a £25 amazon voucher for other half.
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Thanks boxtops factor but MrsJanz wants to use her half to buy Kindle books
Why not order everything you both want (using the full voucher) then the balance from your debit for the remainder? Failing this-use the full £50 on your order and give the other person £25 cash?
I suspect that the only way you can do it is to use your £50 gift voucher to buy two £25 gift vouchers, and then use those separately.
I don't see the problem - just buy it all at once, then.
It seems to me that any of our suggested solutions would allow her to buy some Kindle books.
you can't do it
Or put a £25 voucher on your bill and give it to OH.
Now why didn't I think of that, Tara?

I used to do that kind of thing often at work (split bills, vouchers, various methods of payment) , and simple solutions are usually best :-).
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Thanks bednobs for
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Sorry guys, start againThanks to you all for your help.The simple answer is you can't split an Amazon Gift Voucher,there are just ways round the problem.

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