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Ordering On Amazon

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pusskin | 21:53 Mon 04th Feb 2013 | Technology
14 Answers
Hi Abers.
A week or two my neighbour helped me to set up paypal.
She also ordered me 3 items on amazon that I recieved safely in the post.
She done the ordering for me while I looked on and didnt see properly what she had done. Now ---Can you please tell me the first steps of ordering what i want to order on Amazon. Very simple explanation wanted it here, as I feel a bit of a twirp and dont really want to ask her to help me again out x lol
Cheers Abers


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first step is to sign in with your username and password. find the item that you want, add it to your basket then click checkout, it might ask you to put your password in again.
Try that bit and let me know how you get on.
agree with woofgang - you then get the option to pay, or to carry on shopping.
Although I've answered hundreds of questions here in Technology, I'd not ordered anything from Amazon until very recently. It's incredibly simple!

Simply find the first item you want to buy and click 'Add to Basket'. If you want something else, do the same again (and again, and again and . . . if you're buying a lot!). When you've got everything in the basket, click 'Proceed to checkout' and simply follow the instructions.

If you need more detailed instructions, they're here:
but, for me, they make a simple task sound complicated; it isn't!

One word of caution though: DON'T put a tick where it offers free one day delivery with a free trial of 'Amazon Prime'. If you do that you'll be signing up to a service which (after the trial period) costs £49 per year!

>>>first step is to sign in with your username and password

Don't worry if you haven't got a clue as to what they are. Just start shopping, following my instructions. Amazon will then regard you as a first-time user.
Question Author
Thank you so very much for reply to my post. very gratefull!!!!
Will sit and read the link now and sit and have a good ole think.
I'll buck up courage tomorrow morning, as , at the moment I've been coughing and spluttering with cold. Many thanks again xxx
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Brilliant link buenchico! it says all i need to know. Thank you so much.

Woofgang, will let you and boxtops and Buenchico know how I get on, as soon as I buck up the courage to have a bash at it.
I will feel so happy with myself as I've never had the courage to order on line before x
Don't buy anything from Amazon ! They don't pay enough tax in Britain, and they treat their workers like dog poo.

In the summer of 2011, I worked on the Census and one of my colleagues had worked for Amazon previously...we have an Amazon warehouse here in Swansea the size of Gatwick Airport.

( just thought of another reason to boycott Amazon...they call those places "fulfillment centers" not warehouses....American company, hence the tentative attachment to the English language )

His working conditions were dreadful...hardly any meal breaks, and he could only pee at appointed times. One day he turned up for work but his card wouldn't work the carpark barrier. When he managed to phone his Manager from the road outside the "fulfillment center" he was told that they didn't need him today and to try again the following morning, at 06.00. Can you imagine that sort-of thing happening elsewhere in British workplaces ?

Amazon are crap and we should encourage them !
Here's a short video. This will help you out !
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That link seems brilliant concordextra. Watched a few minutes, but I'm so tired right now and will enjoy watching while eating my breckie in the morning. Many many thanks x
(havent stopped coughing all day)
Get well soon, Pusskin!
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Thanks Buenchico. terrible coughing fits every hour or so.
Cough and catarrh driving me nuts. Been a few days now. Just as I think I'm lots better --there it comes again. Thanks for caring xx
Coughs are just so wearing - seem to knock all the stuffing out of you all day & then you don't get enough sleep either.

Hope you can shake it off soon.
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sunny-dave. The coughing makes me sweat. Choking coughing while trying to eat porridge and light meal today. Pheew , can only get better! x
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Certainly knocks the stuffing out of ya dont it. Knackered now and hope to sleep well tonight.

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