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Mobile Phone Contract

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Beechy101 | 18:39 Wed 25th Mar 2015 | Shopping & Style
3 Answers
I have a mobile phone contract that's due for renewal. What i want to know is am i entitled to keep the same contract benefits that i have now or can my provider withdraw the contract?


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It's a new contract and, as such, the provider is free to offer (or fail to offer) whatever terms they like; it's up to you whether you decide to accept what's offered to you.
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Ah right. I thought it was just a continuation of my current contract
If you don't contact them and make any changes then your current contract will just continue as "normal".

However at the end of a contract a person is often entitled to a new phone (if you had a phone as part of the contract) so by not getting a new phone you are in fact saving them money.

So they will be happy to let you stay on the existing contract at the same price.

p.s. This many not apply to all companies but it has certainly been the case with all the phones my family have had.

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