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granny grump | 20:38 Sun 29th May 2016 | Shopping & Style
9 Answers
Is this free to join and is it beneficial. We were in a pub today that does B&B but only via groupon


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Yes it's free to join, granny grump. There are some bargains on there.
get a lot there ....yes good buys
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Thank you
You do get absolutely inundated with e-mails though
They would refuse custom unless it was via Groupon ? Seems a strange arrangement to me. Maybe Groupon has more power than one expected.
Question Author
Yes they said that they have a deal with groupon and it works for them
I had a phone app for them once. One can waste a lot of time looking at "bargains" but I never did get anything via them.
We have had some excellent B, B+EM deals in hotels. Some hotels find Groupon is a way of making sure they fill the hotel at what would otherwise be a quiet time, so they can stay open and keep staff on.
The catch is you have to buy the voucher from Groupon for a deal and then ring the hotel for availability so it's better to be flexible regarding dates than have a definite single date as it may not be available
Question Author
Thank you all for your time

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