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Steam Cleaner Detergent

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Ric.ror | 15:24 Mon 20th Aug 2018 | Shopping & Style
10 Answers
Has anyone a recommendation for a detergent to be used in a steam cleaner perhaps a little bit cheaper than the recommended one



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I always thought a steam cleaner just used water. The ones I have had did.
I never used detergent in my steam cleaner, only water was recommended, it was the point of me getting it.
I never use a detergent either. If the kitchen floor is particularly grubby I slosh some normal floor cleaner (like Flash) straight onto the floor and steam over it with the pad.
Be careful what you put in as it can clog it up. I use ironing water (what you put in your irons) and it's cheap too, usually only a quid at local discount shop.
Steam cleaner is not designed to have detergent added and may void the warranty if you do
What Rockrose said is correct, though I hope im correct in assuming that ironing water is ok to use, if it''s good enough for your steam iron etc...

To be honest, it probably doesn't clean any more than what ordinary water does- it just smells nicer, lol.
I have moved this thread into the category "Shopping".
The vax steamer has a container for water and another one for detergent
Shopping? Ouch! No-one will see this thread again then :-)
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They actually give you a small bottle with the machine but I imagine it to be very expensive
Two good ideas - to apply directly to the stain and iron water
Thanks for those - and all your other answers

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Steam Cleaner Detergent

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