I don't think emmie has stepped in any Crep. She just needs a spray protection.
I have a spray can (Kiwi) Suede and Nubuck protector in Neutral. I use it for my Caterpillar Boots. Bought in Timpsons or Sainsbury I think.
Crep is a youthful term for "shoes". Their spray though is actually really good... but it certainly can't beat £3.48!! that is a very good price for shoe protection
thanks retro, sainsburys is too far away for me to travel, though i do shop online with them. I need some fairly soon as i have more than one pair of fabric/suede shoes.
From Retros link, Emmie regarding the Kiwi protection.
I would personally say crep protect is worth £10 depending how much you spent on the shoes, of course. I don't get commission though, so i really don't mind what you end up with, but it is certainly my suggestion, be it a pricey one.
I'm sure when it came out it was pioneering in the shoe protection industry but maybe not
Most people seem to be recommending cleaner or waterproofer. This Scotchguard offers protection from grease etc as well which, I think, is what you are looking for.