The domain name was only registered four months ago, so it's not a well-established business. The registration was made through 'Domains By proxy', which is an anonymising service used by people who want to hide their identities.
The website as created using GoDaddy. While many perfectly respectable small businesses use GoDaddy to create their websites, it's also very popular with less ethical traders.
There's no postal address. The only email address offered uses the domain name, with Lugearfive describing CheckOutFlow as their 'agent'. CheckOutFlow's own website though consists of nothing more than a page with a logo and a bit of text on it: . There is a phone number given but it's a US (toll-free) one.
The range of merchandise offered by the site is somewhat eclectic and almost certainly both unofficial and unlicensed. (e.g. I'd be prepared to bet that Chelsea FC have no knowledge of goods being sold on that site using their club's name and badge).
My best guess is that the site is actually genuine (although it might well not be) and run by one guy, working from home, in the USA, who's prepared to ignore intellectual property rights. He might well provide the goods you order but you'd have no comeback at all if they failed to arrive.