ChatterBank4 mins ago
Which Look For A Night Out?
7 Answers
https:/ /www.go m/searc h?q=che ryl+col e+x+fac tor+201 4&c lient=m s-andro id-sams ung-rvo 1&s ource=a ndroid- browser &pr md=ivn& amp;sxs rf=ALiC zsbUMUt 4hZNbsF HAuh9SE kYk_Vtq YA:1663 1916181 92& source= lnms&am p;tbm=i sch& ;sa=X&a mp;ved= 2ahUKEw j-2-HMn 5X6AhWH X8AKHbn TDisQ_A UoAXoEC AIQAQ&a mp;biw= 384& ;bih=67 9&d pr=2.81 #imgrc= MGy08fI hwM23cM
https:/ /www.go m/searc h?q=che ryl+col e+x+fac tor+201 4&c lient=m s-andro id-sams ung-rvo 1&s ource=a ndroid- browser &pr md=ivn& amp;sxs rf=ALiC zsbUMUt 4hZNbsF HAuh9SE kYk_Vtq YA:1663 1916181 92& source= lnms&am p;tbm=i sch& ;sa=X&a mp;ved= 2ahUKEw j-2-HMn 5X6AhWH X8AKHbn TDisQ_A UoAXoEC AIQAQ&a mp;biw= 384& ;bih=67 9&d pr=2.81 #imgrc= S1qIFul FrKqHoM
https:/ /www.go m/searc h?q=che ryl+col e+x+fac tor+201 4&c lient=m s-andro id-sams ung-rvo 1&s ource=a ndroid- browser &pr md=ivn& amp;sxs rf=ALiC zsbUMUt 4hZNbsF HAuh9SE kYk_Vtq YA:1663 1916181 92& source= lnms&am p;tbm=i sch& ;sa=X&a mp;ved= 2ahUKEw j-2-HMn 5X6AhWH X8AKHbn TDisQ_A UoAXoEC AIQAQ&a mp;biw= 384& ;bih=67 9&d pr=2.81 #imgrc= jyEhf1e k9RQN7M
You are going to a pub for a drink. I thought you said you are meeting between 2 and 3. Just casual smart jeans or trousers, light weight sweater with a collard shirt underneath
21:51 Wed 14th Sep 2022