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Which Top Should I Wear To This Rave And Bottomless Brunch?

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abbeylee90 | 21:42 Mon 02nd Sep 2024 | Shopping & Style
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You're working 10 hours a week can you afford it?

Question Author

Because I already got them. 

I'm working a full shift Wednesday.

But you still have to pay for the race and the brunch, and that's only one shift.


Youre working a full shift on Wednesday, but won't you have to wait nearly 4 weeks until pay day?

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I've bought my ticket. Hopefully have a new full time job soon.

I know said that.

^^^  Not forgetting the taxi fares, Jo 🚕

I give up 🤷

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All this was done before my hours were dropped

Which one to wear?  The white spotted one - there are followers of that style on here.

It's not the main point here but your hours weren't dropped- you are in denial on many things I feel.

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Not then but have been now 

Abbey, you say you hope to have a 'full-time' job soon. Have you not registered your experiences, work-wise, of the last couple of years? 

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I have made a new CV and applied yes

She's not real !!!!   When she gets fed up with one topic she just starts another !!!

You haven't had a full time job for years. Wouldn't it better to tell your readers that all your wages go on clothes and social life. I assume your mother supports you in every other way.

OK.  You'll skim-read this and pass on BUT.... You Are Too Old To Be Going On Raves.  Change your friendship group and mindset.  Live withiin your means and that doesn't mean 'hand to mouth' as you seem to be doing.

You do not have to be going out every other night, or even every week.  Find new interests.  Go to night school - brush up your English, tackle something new.  

Your lifestyle at the moment is self-destructive and circular.  There is more to life than you are making of it.

Abbeylee, the black one.

but if I may say you should drop the party lifestyle and be sensible.

you appear to spend all your full time money on fun instead of saving for the lean times.

Your parents can't and probably won't keep bailing you out.

At 32 when will you grow up?

I bet the OP is PHSL at the fools of ABers🤣

I wouldn't be surprised at that Dave.

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