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Which One?

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abbeylee90 | 19:26 Thu 26th Sep 2024 | Shopping & Style
37 Answers

Honest opinion. 

I've had mixed opinions



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Went for green after 


after what, abbey?

Do you mean after you'd been to the pub?

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So which one did you wear for the pub?

Do you purchase these on account and then return what you don't like?

I thought retail had done away with the free return due to this mass return of clothes.

What an odd question, DDIL.  Why do you ask that?

I think DDIL is referring to Abbey's post at 1709 ? 

I thought the same 

Yes, but retail hasn't stopped taking returns surely.  If you're ordering from the internet you must have the option to return what you don't like.

Many companies are charging for unwanted returns .I ordered two was lovely but  the other was would have cost £2.99 to return. I am now using my dressmaking skills to transform it 

Naomi I didn't say they had stopped taking returns.


Thank you Clementino.

That's different.  You still have the option to return things. 

The blue shirt appears to be from M&Co...they charge £3 for up to 6 items.

Naomi I didn't say they had stopped taking returns.

Quite right,  You didn't, DDIL.

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I wore the green one and I don't think it costs to return 

So you wore the green one for the pub and then wore it after the pub....makes sense but I'm not sure why you told us about 'after'. I guess you meant to say "Went for green after all that " (or similar). Did you get any compliments on it?

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