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Books galore!

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smudge | 14:15 Tue 14th Feb 2006 | Shopping & Style
11 Answers

We have a very nice large spare/study/guest room which is due for decorating in the spring. However, as Mr S is an avid reader, there are antiqued pine bookshelves in there, with hundreds of books.

I think it's time for a good clear out of some of these books (although Mr S doesn't know that yet), but they are far too good to give away, although I have given many away to charity in the past. Do you think it is worth doing a car boot sale, or sell them in bulk to a book buyer?

Any helpful suggestions appreciated please.



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Shame on you smudge for depriving a man of a harmless pastime !!! Surely it's better than carousing down the pub or hanging around the bookies. (no pun intended)

Apart from that, have you thought about advertising on e-bay? You'll possibly get a better price than a boot sale and, it can be fun!!

I too love reading and I am always buying 2nd hand books.Every now and again I have to go through them and give some to Charity shop. I would go mad though if my hubby got rid of them without me knowing.After all there could be some real favourites in there.Do tell him first and make sure he doesn't mind.
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Thank you for your replies waimarie & valsuey - I wouldn't dream of giving away any of his books without his knowledge - honest!

I shall start to stack them up in categories in the 'other' spare room, then he'll have to decide which ones are to go, etc. It really is starting to resemble a municipal library in there though, inc:

  • George Orwell's 1984 - boring!

  • Very early fish farming & fishing

  • Firearms

  • Machinery

  • Lots of Samuel Pepys

  • History 17th Century onwards

  • Brewing Techniques

  • Cooking

  • Forensic Technology

  • Art & Literature

  • Modern Novels

  • Murder & Mystery

  • Motorbikes

  • Scooters (60's)

  • Classic Cars, etc., etc., etc., etc!

Any takers????? After he gets home from work, dinner, shower, etc., he can have about 3 or 4 books on the go at any one time, don't ask how! You're right at least I know where he is & not holding a bar up somewhere! :o]

Ha ha !! I know the feeling.. Boxes full in the loft .bookcases in every room !. My sons will not part with one book and neither will I !! Mr.S. only reads newspapers.!
Seriously though, I do weed out now and again but only paperbacks of popular fiction which I take to a charity shop from whence I bought them in the first place..
You won't get much for popular fiction on Ebay but books like Classic Cars and stuff will go like hot cakes. And any unusual books. Your Early Farming ones for example will sell.
I did let a dealer have a look at all our stuff once but the price he was prepared to give me wasn't worth it .And I knew we had some books which were worth quite a bit and so did he !
These book dealers know when they are on to anything valuable so I wouldn't risk that.

Pack the ones you think are worth a bit away. They will be worth more in years to come. I really can't bear to part with books and still have books I had as a child.If anyone was to get rid of my copy of Little Women which I have had for fifty years I would cry !!
smudge I am worried for you. Glancing down the list of books I saw that Mr S likes cookery, murders and forensics. In view of this let me give you some advice - DON'T EAT ANYTHING HE COOKS FOR YOU!
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Hi Shaney - thank you for your very helpful reply, glad I'm not alone!

I shan't bother with a book buyer then! Mr S's books are all in exellent condition, even the really old ones. There were far too many categories to list above - but fancy not mentioning his Bill Bryson, Tom Sharpe, spider & bird books!

As you suggest, I will have to box a lot of them up & put them in the loft. The rest can go back on the shelves & some to charity!

Must mention, I still have my hardback Little Women book from 12 years of age (46 years ago - yes I'm 58), tucked away in the loft. I don't have many books, as when I've read something, I usually pass it on or take it to a charity shop. Thanks again.

thikasabrik - I cracked up when I read that! I've often wonde what Mr S is conjuring up when he reads books like Dr Crippen, etc., he, he!

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*wondered even!

i,ve put lots of books on amazon, it does not cost to list them if they do not sell as it does on e bay there is a fee taken if it sells and i am never goig to be a millionaire but i am clearing the attic slow but sure

hope that helps smuge


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Thank you Jan (only just read your post).

There are so many books to go through, but when we've finished doing so, I shall take your suggestion into consideration too.

Thank again all.

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sell them on ebay? then mr s can buy some more with the profits

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