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bags bags bags

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arwenant | 23:51 Thu 20th Apr 2006 | Shopping & Style
2 Answers

my school bag broke and i always have an original design which i create myself but i don't have any time so does anyone know where i can find a funky and colourful bag for around 30GBP that will fit A4 folders in. Thanks a lot.



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try quicksilver or a vintage shop they usually have messanger bags thats u can just pin things onto and they fit A4 folders in i have 1 myself and i love it i see random bags or patches that i like i stick them on people must thing im crazy looks like u have the most weird bag in teh world, but any 1 off shop usually ahve really good bags and things .Sorri i cant b more help
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thanks a lot pompomfairy

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