xmas shopping websites in The AnswerBank: Shopping & Style
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xmas shopping websites

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stylinsam | 21:54 Mon 18th Sep 2006 | Shopping & Style
5 Answers
any good sites for xmas shopping for the whole family??? thanks

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That's a good site for stocking fillers and gifts! I don't even know why I'm answering this question really as I don't like talking/thinking about xmas so early even though all the shops near me have everything out!!

Ebay is good for some presents too especially if you're starting early!

Amazon have a lot of things also!

Good luck!
spudqueen that is a great site :-)
stylinsam I used these http://www.iwantoneofthose.com/
last year - great service; particularly good for hard-to-find boy and dad prezzies.

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xmas shopping websites

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