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lynneif | 23:57 Mon 23rd Apr 2007 | Shopping & Style
2 Answers
i purchased a large table and chairs from asda which would not fix together properly, i now dont have the meens to return this are they by any law resposible for the collection or the expence of returning this?


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No, they didnt deliver it. ie the normal channel for you purchasing the goods is by collection, so its unreasonable for them to come and pick it up as delivery isnt part of teh deal.
You could try appealing to their better nature but Id be stunned if you got anywhere.
I wasnt entirely happy with my answer so had a look at their website...
For starters, you can buy their furniture off the web so they obviously have a delivery network. So, Id have thought you actually stand a good chance of asking them to direct a man in a van to pick up your furniture.
Secondly, if they resist utilising a network they already have in place, point out that you hiring a van to bring the furniture back will be a consequential loss of their furniture a) not being fit for purpose and b) of inadequate quality. As this is in contravention of the Sale of Goods Act 1979 Id have thought you could pursue this legally.
Good luck!

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