i dont think you can just buy the phone yet, think you have to get a contract as well. Then depending on ur contract time and cost, it ranges from free to �250!!!!
Hiya filfy you can get them on e bay for around 250-300 squids.
I must admit that I wanted one but going into what they are like dont think that I will bovver now as all the reports that I have read say that the battery life is usless, It seems to last on average only a day or 2 even just on stand buy (your man)
thanks!! Yes I have just seen on ebay that they are going cheap. My friend wants it, not for me. Quite frankly, I would be weary of buying anything to do with technology on ebay, since A) it could get stolen in the post B) you wouldnt necessarily have the guarantee, it could be an import
C) If the phone needs repairing, its not as easy as taking it back to the store where you bought it from!
I do know what you mean mate about e bay but something like the n95 on e bay only comes from reputale (god I wish I could spell) dealers.
I have bought a hell of a lot of stuff on e bay and to be truoghfull I have only been let down once and that was for something silly that cost �35 my last 3 cars have been bought of there and they have all been good.
As far as I know the garantee (o help) on the phone all you have to do is take it to your nearest nokia shop if it goes wrong to get it sorted and for stolen in the post something that is worh that much just has to be insured by the seller beware if the seller does not have postal insurance.
And the last one most reputale dealers on e bay do not sell imports so you just have to read between the lines and look at there feedback.