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Has new look raised there prices?

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puddicat | 18:28 Sun 26th Aug 2007 | Shopping & Style
3 Answers
Went to new look today and they are having a sale to get rid of there summer stock, and was looking at there autumn range, there were loads of shoes at �20 upwards, and to be honest they werent all that, but went to look at at a top that caught my eye it was beautiful and thought that would look great for christmas parties with some nice trousers, my god it was �30!it was only made from a sheer kind of fabric that would need a vest top under it, i am sorry but new look to me is 2 steps up from primark, and one step up from peacocks, what to other abers think its a good shop and i think caters for all sizes,but sorry wont pay �30 for a top from them!


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hey, i work in New look and i have to agree with you i think the prices have gone up quite a bit.. although i do also have to add that there are still some good bargains like jeans for �10. but yeah i do agree �30 for a top is ridiculous in a place like there. thats why i tend not to shop in topshop and such places very often! x
you should have gone to debenhams, there is a further 20% off the shoe sale and they were 70% off anyway! real bargains and fantastic quality too.
I don't think the sales we have had are the proper summer sale because it started back in July and New Look has just cleared loads of stuff last week. I bought a couple of tops for �5 that had been �7-10 in the sale a week earlier. I think there will be another sale soon.

I could be wrong. I remember when the summer sale stuff didn't start till around end of August. These sales started weeks ago. Maybe it's the weather? Or maybe times are changing. I wouldn't spend too much at New Look. I bought a Jean Roche top at Debenhams 70% off at Debenhams for �10 last week which is a designer make.

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