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Robinia | 11:33 Tue 09th Oct 2007 | Shopping & Style
328 Answers
Will you be rushing off to the new shopping centre in Derby (I won't) or, if you've already been by the time you read this, what do you think?


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Hi It's great to hear you all getting in the Christmas Spirit, Loved your Christmas Cake Recipe Vinny really had a good laugh cheered me up no end. Sitting here all on me own watching a bit of a rubbish film on the box. Still Christmas is coming and I'm looking forward. My eldest is coming up from Devon and we are all at my youngests for dinner that night. My neighbours son wants me to fill in a questionaire for school telling them what I remembered about Christmases when I was a youngster. That brought back lots of memories I can tell you.
Anyway the ad's have finished on the telly so back to my film. Goodnight All be back soon no doubt. :o)
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hi Jude...I just had deja view...I was looking at last weeks tv times... :o)
mmm, Catherine Tate's best bits...??.... from 10.00 'til 10.01

Vincent fishnets won't keep you warm in this would be better to put your knobbly greens in them not your knobbly knees....
goodnight ((#*_*#))
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well it's
Good Morning*
now & a bloomin' crisp one it is fact it's frozen solid! It's a triple liberty bod job - any more layers & I won't be able to move - like the way you were wrapped up to walk to school in ye olde days....

*(I want that song at my funeral but not sure it'll be allowed in a non-religious that's cheered you up!)

Morning All . Sure is freezing here like Robi says. Car frozen solid as usual. My car is in a corner and is always the last one to get the sun so I have to get me can of de-icer out. But it is still a lovely bright day so I'm not complaining. Renewed me passport today so looking forward to finding some warm weather next year. Hope you all have a good day. Not going out much this week except visiting a friend or too, delivering cards etc. See you later :o)
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well, I've broken a glass ornament....dropped a bag of vac tools down the stairs - luckily Charlie wasn't at the bottom as he usually is...sucked my shower hat up the vac...& finally, for the moment, ...I've washed me bloomers with Charlie's bed & blankets. Now I'm all fur coat AND fur knickers. Mind you, when I'm squirming 'n scratching in the queues at the weekend I won't be having my space invaded....haha.

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oh lordy, now me xmas ghost's arrived...bumping & banging. No smell of cigars yet though, they must be observing the new smoking bans.

come out!
Freezing? - not here, it's still t-shirt weather although there is a freshness in the air, it gets chilly in the evening tho'. Just finished babysitting this monster child - how do you grandparents do it, he has wrecked my house, frightened off the cats and refused to come out of the empty swimming pool, he also insisted on running around naked, and ok so it's warm but not that warm. Am shattered. Am just finishing off the main xmas tree, then a quick hoover and clean up and then cuppa and feet up!!
bah. Cold. Dark. Hate my job. BAH.
now colder and darker and still hate my job.

where is everyone? It's still early...
jno dear, why not give up walking the streets and get a nice cosy indoor job? I really feel for you.
Morning Jno and Neti It's really dull and cold here today. Not like the lovely frosty weather. I'm so glad that I've retired now. No more getting up at 6 and scraping my car before going to work. Hope you all have a good day. :o)
lol neti, but actually going on the streets would be a step up from my present job, I fear. Better pay and better treatment by those I come into contact with. Possibly warmer too.
he he poor jno (you're not Gordon Brown in another life are you??)

Robi I've sent you an email saying that I couldn't get in, but that's a lie cos I can, so ignore it - thanks.
I must be the most boring person on this site Lol
You? jude? - it makes a change for you to be at home, and you quite honestly wear me out with your gallivanting.
None of us are boring ....we may be to other people though ! But then again they may be boring to us ! I can bore for England when I want to!
Anyhow ....I have been streetwalking but I didn't pick anybody up ! I must have lost me touch !!
All I managed to do was find presents that I needed for the men in my life .....books !!
Then I queued in the Post office ...more neck breathers !
I think we have earned the right to be boring, after all we did the 60's didn't we (well I did!!)
Well did I ..but of course young people nowadays find that all boring . I found it all quite enlightening actually ! At least I didn't have to walk around with a phone clutched to my bosoms as if my life depended on it . It was all a bigger picture Neti and far more tolerant .Nowadays you can't even break a fingernail without it being on the news .
If anything some people nowadays are stuffier than ever if you ask me .I reckon we had the best times !! Free spirits !
Especially if a nice looking chap was buying them.

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