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grocery shopping delivered

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fruitsalad | 19:07 Thu 27th Mar 2008 | Shopping & Style
14 Answers
if you have shopping delivered i.e. from tesco or asda do you tip the delivery driver?


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That never crossed my mind!! I have a delivery from Sainsbury's every week but I've never considered tipping! x
This is something I've been thinking about too - so glad you asked.
I get mine from Tesco, they deliver to the door & I never know what to give ,if anything or how much.
I should have said that sometimes from the body language some of them are expecting something - have you ever noticed that?
i have offered but the driver strongly declined saying "would you tip the postman"
No. It's never occurred to me. I wouldn't tip the guys from UPs or Amtrak for delivering to me, so Tesco deliveries fall into that category as far as I'm concerned.
maybe i am just stingy. if i am paying for somone to provide a srvice for me (ie deliver my shopping) i would expect that what they charged me was the amount they wanted, and the amount that the service was worth. therefore why pay extra? i dont tip my hairdresser because i already pay her to cut my hair! the person that washes it gets wages for doing that job. I hate the concept of tipping, its just totally bogus!
having worked for tesco for many years it is certainly their policy that staff including drivers who deliver your shopping are definitely not allowed to accept tips from customers. Hope this helps with your question.
Debate in our house thanks to you! The first time I used Sainso's online I wasn't sure how to tip in the first place considering it had all been paid for anyway and then the guy disappeared anyway while I was dithering with the frozen V fridge bags (they were so good they put the tins etc in seperate bags!). Mr NiceCuppa has just said he wouldn't tip any way. I would, especially if it were a festive occasion. That then brings in different issues of how the hell do you know if it's someone's festive occasion or not just by looking at them (thank you Mr Cuppa)
One thing i do as they are not allowed to accept tips is I email tesco customer services with my order number and commend the professionalism and friendliness of the delivery driver if I am satisfied and happy with the service; takes 5 mins to do.

I would assume that this must be logged and eventually passed onto the driver concerned. Consistently good drivers would hopefully have a larger log of compliments on file with Tesco.

Maybe I'm wrong in my assumptions but I do hope my praise when due is noted.
I'm disabled and I have weekly delivery's from Tesco. My driver brings the goods right in the kitchen and unpacks the crates for me. (No plastic bags)
There is a competition for "Driver of the Year" and I do enter him. He said its not company policy to accept tips, We pay anything up to �6.00 for a delivery service anyway.

I don't think they are allowed ro accept tips. I mean, you don't tip the check out staff, and there really is no difference.
I think my elderly mother ocassionally tips the driver �1, but I think these stores should actively stop drivers from expecting tips and discourage customers from offering them.

I think we pay enough �5-�6 for delivery and shouldn't feel we have to tip the driver too. Most of the delivery drivers in London are rude and surly anyway. The only tip they need is to be told to cheer up, no one forces them to do the job.
no, I don't tip. My tobacco was missing from my order last sure I saw the driver waving to me with a roll up on the go!

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