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haha get THIS!
well, the ebay shop agreed to refund me the postage i paid to return them which came to �3.80 (yay). The next day i checked my account and the shop said that sorry they didn't actually have any more stock, so were just refunding me instead...but only the cost of the shoes in the first place, not the postage i'd paid to return them! his argument was that he gave me a discount for buying 3 pairs (which was charged postgage once instead of 3 times) but his listing clearly stated further items from him are charged at �1 each, so i admit initially he should've charged me �5.50 not just �3.50 - being new to ebay, i asked him for a discount on the items which he said he couldn't do, but he'd adjust the postage for me instead.
...are you still with me?? :D
anyway, as i've returned the very damaged pair, essentially the slate should be wiped clean with these so therefore
1st pair �3.50 + 2nd pair �1 = �4.50.
I've paid out �3.50 + �3.80 = �7.30
i feel like i'm over reacting a bit (its less than �3, i know), but i also feel like i'm being taken for a mug so I'm standing my ground, especially as i'm less than 10 days into my ebay account.
whats everyone else thoughts on this new chapter?
sorry for whinging :P
EmEd x