I had a toy called carla loca or something like that where you stuck nose and ears etc onto a face and then turned a handle and they span round. Sounds rubbish but thing is I can only remember playing on it once and there is a photo of me with it and it just disappeared.
Juggling balls. Kept me amused for hours, even when I was on my todd.
Football was pretty good too. Having a goalpost in the late 1980s was unbelievably good (well from my point of view, perhaps not from the neighbours'!)
Boomarang was good until it came dangerously close to hitting someone.
I feel a theme developing here, so I'm going to stop now!
The strange thing is if you notice out of all the replies there is only one game which requires more than one to play.
Wonder what that says about our childhoods or do we just prefer our own company?
No, I just didn't like playing with my brother LOL
Lego used to keep me and my brother amused for hours though, literally we would empty the box on the floor on a Saturday morning and sit there all day building things.
Thurs 22/06/06
22:05 My most favourite toy was called WILLY and I played with him all day, every day. Whats more, I still have him and I still play with him lots!
The best toy my friend ever owned, and was perhaps the main reason I was friends with her, was the whole f*cking Sylvanian family village. She had all of the families, plus the school house, the village shop, the post office, everything.
clackers - I think they are banned now due to all the broken wrists. I also had an Emu puppet and a big tall teddy bear with elastic on its feet so that you could put your feet in the straps and dance together.
Another favourite was a wig - I played with that for hours and hours - god knows why!