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big white cups in twinings ad

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woofgang | 10:45 Fri 03rd Apr 2009 | Shopping & Style
1018 Answers
Hi all, there are some superb big white teacupsin the new twinings ad (back off hols, run indoors through rain, make tea)
Does anyone know where i can get them please?


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best if it happens in a hospital, I suppose, woofgang, but yet another drain on spousal emotional resources.

Another 3800 or so words to go.... hang on, let me just get War and Peace to type out...
Question Author know you've been doing it too long when you can pack the bag without thinking.
Oh dear Woofy. Chin up. Lots of love to you and Mr Woof.

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double pee po with knobs on, they are keeping him in....think its just and infection but won't know till the blood tests come back.
Now moving swiftly on to dialysis news.......last Friday evening my nurse suggested we try to modify the regulated fluid retrieval and delivery system
Now moving swiftly on to dialysis news.......last Friday evening my nurse suggested we try to modify the regulated fluid retrieval and delivery system to see whether my blood pressure would remain stable at the end of the session, instead of it plummeting faster than Phill Goffs approval ratings. Normally my blood pressures start failtry high at around 160/90, and then slowly drift downwards before a final slump at the end of my 4 hours, leaving my dizzy and unsteady (No, I am not normally as dizzy as you may think), with pressures of below 100 or even 90/70!
As a result I have to sit like a cat in a catshow being examined and repeatedly checked by the nurses every few minutes until my blood pressure comes back above 100, and then hey presto I am released back into the community.
So my Friday attendant Raj, set the machine to take 3 litres of fluid off in the first hour, and then in the last 3 hours gently takes the remaining 500 mils, with me plateauing at around 115 for the last hour. Brilliant! No wobbles whatsoever.
Woofy is that^^ any good for you, it is from a friend of mine in NZ. If you want more info, email me x
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Biddies will note that it comes with the correct answer already filled in. That should save time.
Oh woofy so sorry about that but as jno said he's in the right place & they'll soon have him under control. Get some rest and stay calm....isn't there anyone who could take you to the hospital? It's not exactly soul soothing to have to travel with the great unwashed. Hark at me, I sound tewibbly snobby but I hate public transport.

Bless ya shaney for trying, thanks...I found out in a forum lots of soap fashion comes via ASOS so I tried that & voila!

haha lol at the numbers > >
looks like my bp reading when I read some of the stuff on here. :o)
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Thanks Neti, Yes Dh went through that too. His nurses are lovely and worked out the best way for him which is much the same as your friend. This seems to be an infection. His resistance is diabolically low at the moment and not eating with the tum bug seems to have been the last straw. Does your friend use the I HATE Dialysis forum? Its based in the US but the membership is international and its a great information resource. Actually Robi the public transport journey isn't too bad, I drive to the train station then get a taxi from the station to the hospital. The hook is how long I can leave the boys for as there is only my sis who they will listen too. If he is in more than a day or two she will come down. At least they have given him jammies and not one of those every little breeze robes.
Evening Everybiddy. Woofy, I hope all goes well with Mr W and he gets settled and sorted soon. Try not to worry too much. I know that's very easy to say but take care. Thinking about you and Mr W.

I'm not fond of public transport either Robi but I don't mind the Yellow Bus! Some good conversations can be had on there with travellers to and from the airport.

I've had a busy day doing this and that (sorting stuff really). I've been waiting for my car man to collect mine to give the engine a wash for me and when he brought it back he informed my the clutch was going and I needed a new one BDQ. He says he can't do it for me but has arranged for a friend of his to do it f and I trust him so he's collecting it on Tuesday. I should get it back on Wednesday. So it's public transport for me til then. Still I do have my pass.
It's been quite nice today weatherwise except for the shower we had earlier. Luckjily I wasn't out but my washing was. so I left it out and it's dried ok since. Does anybody know what this flower is? Robi are you there. My sister thought it was an orchid of some sort but there wasn't anyone we could ask and no label on it. On holiday we went into Pitlochry and visited The Explorers Gardens. It was lovely and had areas of gardens with flowers and plants broughts in from differents countries of the world and there was info about the men and women who had found and imported the plants. Very interesting. this was a pavillion at the top of the Gardens and you could stand on the verandah and look down on Trees etc.

I've used 1726 letters or whatever so I'd better shut up for a bit. Looking forward to the tennis tomorrow - nothing will get done when that starts. Neti you and I will be on opposite sides for a few hours wont we. Like I said before. If Rafa wins you're the only person in the world I'll be pleased for.

See yer later 'gater(s)

P<S> Hope the photos come out ok on here.
I can't see it very clearly, but they're not lupins, are they?
Lovely pics Jude! Especially the one of the bridge.
Your flower does look like a marsh orchid...look it up.

Bloomin chilly outside tonight...and it's almost July!
Lovely photos jude, so nice and fresh, wish I was there now!

Yes am looking forward to the tennis, of course I want Rafa to win, but also like Tsonga and Murray.

That flower looks like a er.......... flower to me!
have a look, what do you think?

or of course it could be a London bog lupin :o)
Been trying to watch Luther but am chatting to B00 on FB and am losing the thread!
Thanks Robi and all. Yes is does look like your photo. I will send it to my sister to have a look at. There were other gardens there lower down with smaller plants and flowers in.
Just a few more. The seats were part of number of carvings around the Gardens all made from the same tree trunk ~ apparently.

I'm off now so I'll say goodnight all.
See yer later 'gater(s)
Ooh poor Woofiy.. Take care on your journey tomorrow and I hope once you get there he's feeling better .Sending good vibes your way xx

Lovely pictures Jude .I like the carved wood thingies .

It's been really miserable here today so I've just had some chs & toms on tst.
Comfort food as I feel a bit seedy and shall shortly wend my weary way to bed .
I've just realised if we all write in txt spk and don't put any gaps ,punctuation or paragraphs we can get loads in :)

Night all ,have a restful one especially you Woofy .
Question Author
quick before bed pop in. I am breathing again. They have started him on oral antibis and he may come home tomorrow. Night night all and thank you for the support. I honestly don't know what I would do without you lot to agonise to.
there's always vodka, I suppose...

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