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purchase fron hong kong

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deggers316 | 15:56 Fri 04th Dec 2009 | Shopping & Style
4 Answers
anybody know approx how long it takes a package to arrive from hong kong (from ebay seller) to here UK


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About 5-7 days deggs.

I have posted items to Hong Kong and it ususally takes around that length of time.
can be anything up to a month lol,well supposed to be 14 day max ,i ordered a laptop and got it the same week ordered something else and i'm still waiting over a month now ,hope you get what ever it is soon
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ta you two,
its been 7 days so will give it a bit longer
Yes, do give it longer up to 3 weeks at least especially this time of year. My daughter has ordered a dress (special) for my G/daughter and was told it could take up tp 5 weeks, so don't give up yet deggers...

Aunty Jem.

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