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Livestrong Bands

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~2005~ | 19:01 Tue 18th Jan 2005 | Shopping & Style
27 Answers

Ive been trying to find out where to get a Livestrong wristband from for ages. I have asked alot of friends from school but they all say Foot Locker. But when i went on their website they are all sold out. If any one knows where to get a pink or blue one from i would be very grateful.



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I seem to remember reading that not that many were made.

The link to buy them takes you to eBay, though.



you can buy them at

Blue bullying bands are free and you can get them on the radio one site.  Livestrong ones are sold on ebay but the money might not go to charity
I've got 50 blue bands if u want one, E-mail me at [Email address removed in accordance with site policy - AB Editor] and ill talk to u thru that
I've got 50 blue bands and 30 blak and white twisted racist bands, e-mail me if u wont one at  [Email address removed in accordance with site policy - AB Editor] , hurry tho


     You can get the pink livestrong bands off e-bay or go to

    Love Bassie x xx

I got mine on Ebay but be careful! ONLY the yellow ones are official livestrong bands. the ones in other colours are cheap knock offs. Sorry if this offends anyone selling the colours but i am only stating what it says on the Lance Armstrong livestrong website!
When i sya colours I don't mean the ones for other charities like the blue bullying ones. It is just the livestrong ones i was reffering to. They don't come in anything but yellow....
There is a website that sells all types of bands, the web site is
well i dont no where you can get the wristbands for free but if you go on to ebay you can get them for 0.99p or there is a website my friend told me to go on to get them and it is but i havent been on it . Good Luck
To get one u might try
You can get one from this site
birmingham nike store (bullring) limited stock
some1 said they've got 50 blue bands, how much for 1, can't see ur e-mail adress currently have them in stock 2.99 with 3.95 p+p but its worth it and if sum1 else buys one with you then split the p+p and ur only payin around 5.00 which is less than you would pay on ebay makes sense and its worth it
please whoever has got the live strong bands can you contact me i have been looking everywere

Any other colour of Livestrong bands than yellow are fake. The whole idea of them being yellow to because it ment everything to Lance Armstrong. The real ones can be bought here . At least then, the money is going to the intended charity.

As R_K says the blue ones are for "Beat Bullying" and have been unavailable on the BBC site since before Christmas .

The pink ones ae for Breast Cancer Awareness and are available here .

A few of us in our workplace bought yellow and pink bands from the original sites. It is cheaper and you know the intended charities are gaining from your purchase.

Please don't encourage these people who are out to make money from charitable organisations. I was disgusted when I was offered a yellow band for �5..they work out to be �1.38 from the states (including postage and packaging).

please can whoever has the coloured bands contact me at [email protected] ive been looking for ages most of them are really expensive or fakes.i would really appreciate it.ta :-)

I'd be interested in blue or black and white bands.. let me know how much chil2004 is my ebay name.


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