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gummy sh@g bands

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sherrardk | 20:22 Tue 07th Sep 2010 | Shopping & Style
7 Answers
My son (10 years old) is desperate for some of these but I have just found out their full name - are they just harmless bits of plastic with a stupid name or is there more to it than that? Thanks from an out-of-touch Mam.


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Sherrard, they have been around for a while, the youngsters may not realise that they have sexual connotations - I am led to believe as follows:
The meanings of the different colours of shag bands are..
Yellow - hug
Pink - hickey
Orange/purple - kiss
Red - lap dance
Green/blue - oral
Clear - whatever the snapper wants
Black - sex
White - flash
You are right to be concerned (IMO!)
my son has loads of these.. I couldn't care less! I'm sure he doesn't have great sexual prowess ;o)
One of my friends names each one after a boy, if it breaks she gets as far with him as she can, but she is 16 not 10.
It's rather sad when a kid fad turns sexy - but the girls' mums round here have been a bi cautious in case the lads get ideas if they know the code.
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Do you think that today's 10 year olds know this - you can get them free with some soft drink so I wondered if they have just been 'reinvented' (you know what it's like - don't want him to miss out but don't want to do the wrong thing either).
my son is 13, btw.

they just want to wear what their mates are wearing.
My friend at work wears a pink and black one....will be standing as far away as possible from her tomorrow then!

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gummy sh@g bands

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