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Breaking off stalks

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mollykins | 18:30 Mon 10th Jan 2011 | Shopping & Style
41 Answers
is it illegal or anything to break off the stalks of fruit/ veg in a supermarket, before they're are weighed, so that they are cheaper, seeing as we rarely use them anyway.

For example brocolli. . . .


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''Which supermarket is it?''

Indeed. And on what planet?
When i go to the supermarket i always eat some fruit
Question Author
tescos usually.
You are back on form Molly, lets have no more of those difficult questions that make us think please.
The interest rate is good?

Your Mum is lazy?

And you have no respect..!!!
... and you're Dad's a thief.
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I don't regard "stalks" on broccoli as stalks - they're part of the vegetable to be peeled, sliced and cooked. Now, the green things on top of peppers, THEY'RE stalks.
That's why they've got loads of wedge Ummmm. Cos her Dad's a tightwad.
the broccoli belongs to the supermarket until you've bought it, so you're damaging their goods. What you do with it after you've bought it is your business. If you don't want it as offered for sale, don't buy it.
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Helen if you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all.
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I cant believe how mean you are being to Molly.
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She always is beaty, i've learnt to ignore it - I'm thick skinned.
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Oi Helen.....don't do that.
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Breaking off stalks

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