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NHS Cashback Black Card.

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NoMercy | 17:15 Fri 04th Mar 2011 | Shopping & Style
2 Answers
Anyone got one and is it worth purchasing?



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No I haven't got one but if you want a loadable type card then this one is cheap as chips!
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It's not the pre-loadable aspect that appeals to me, it's the 5% discount off all your shopping in Asda, Sainsbury's, Boots, Argos, to name but a few. I can get the card for £2.99 and then just keep getting discounts everywhere I go.

I spent £134 in Boots the other day, and £80 a couple of days later. 5% off that lot is £10.70 - just on two purchases. I thought it was just a discount card, I didn't realise it needed pre-loading and that's what bugs me.

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