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PriceRunner Comparison

15:37 Mon 24th May 2010 |

PriceRunner is a shopping comparison site; it is one of the longest running in the UK. They are dedicated to finding the best deals and lowest prices for their customers. PriceRunner aims to put it's customers first which means they return time and again. They always display the genuinely cheapest items first in their results.

PriceRunner does not actually sell any products which makes them able to be a totally impartial site. There is a wealth of information and buying guides that can help users make the right choices. PriceRunner also includes hundreds of online and high street stores you won't find anywhere else. Some of them simply can't afford to advertise - despite offering some excellent deals.

They endeavour to make sure the information on the site is up to date and they even have people that visit high street shops to check prices across the country.

If you would like to view search results for PriceRunner click here.

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