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Can anyone recommend a good tent?

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lillythepink | 16:48 Wed 02nd Jul 2008 | Hobbies & Interests
4 Answers
Hi All

I want to buy a tent which will sleep 3/4 people, but has lots of living space (including enough height for an adult to stand up), but that is easy to put up and doesn't take up too much space.

Any recommendations?



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When we camped we had an Andre Jamet, 1st class piece of equipment. JD
I too had an Andre Jamet - excellent but v. heavy and not the simplest to put up. I feel the box-frame type tents are now largely overtaken by the domed variety which are much more lightweight. If you google 'buy tent uk' you'll get lots of choices, the one you need being the 3-cell type with a central portion you can stand in.
If I were camping now I would combine this kind of tent with one of those outdoor garden canopied for the cooker - I never felt happy at having a cooker inside the tent.
Tents seem to have plummeted in price and that may be a reflection of their general flimsiness compared to the older metal-framed ones.
Our local camping shop used to sell ex-holiday rental tents - these too were the hefty steel or aluminium framed ones. Don't know if they still do.
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Can anyone recommend a good tent?

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