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Right; let's deal with your answers one by one.
Naz. An accessory is something used, in firearms terms, to service or maintain a weapon. My intention was to describe it to someone who appeared to have a knowledge of antique weapons.
Welshyorkie. Not many gun shops around, and they mainly deal with shotguns and air rifles. This is a specialist item.
alavahalf. There was no description - and it's not a secret. Wait, and your curiosity will soon be sorted.
Naz. No
scotsman. I know it's a revolver accessory because it clearly is meant for a six-chamber. In fact I've got a pretty good idea what it is but I would like to know what make and model weapon it was designed for. And no, I don't know how to post a picture on hers. Can it be done, anyway ?
Well folks, Let's give you a brief description. It is a six round loader( and possibly, extractor) . Rounds slip into clips and I would think the contraption can be pulled off the weapon leaving the rounds in the chamber. Calibre appears to be .45 percussion. The whole thing is in a cylindrical leather pouch designed to be worn on a belt, and presumably the wearer may have had several of them ready for loading. There are no WD marks on the pouch or loader.
There, that's about it. Now let me hear from someone with a bit of useful information - but thank you all for your interest.