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Rooser | 17:25 Tue 19th Apr 2005 | People & Places
45 Answers

Me and my mate Rob have been deliberating on the most annoying people on the planet this week.

So far, Rob has got this:

june sarpong - why why why is she on tv?
cliff richard - has a face, voice and personality that makes me want to send him to guantanamo bay
sue barker - see above
the woman on this morning who does the celebrity gossip - she talks like all the celebs are her best friends and like what she is talking about actually matters
michael winner - because of those adverts
ally mccoist - he just isn't funny. at all. even slightly.
antonio nunez - football reasons.

I however, have got this far:

Ben Fogle - posh talking ******* with his thumb up his @rse, famous for what exactly?
Sian Lloyd - weather woman......don't trust the way her hands move, you look when shes next on, it just not right. god damn freak that's what she is.
Anyone who presents a show with "auction/sell/home" in the title, they all need to come squarely out of the closet and get it over and done with.
Minnie Driver - coat-hanger jawed singing hexagon.
Amy Winehouse - voluptuous, Ron Perlman (the guy who played HellBoy) tribute act. Voice like a bag of feral cats gone off a bridge.

Anyone else care to share???????



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1. People who are famous simply for being famous, like Tara Palmer Tomkinson and the Hilton sisters. If they were lined up in front of a firing squad and to save their lives had to talk for 10 minutes on what useful purpose they serve in life, I wonder how many seconds they would last.

2. Snoteater. I wonder if his mummy knows he is still up at this time of night.

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I used to hate Andi Peters too but he's not on telly any more so it's difficult to loath him.

And if you mean by countryside alliance, those people who whinge about "the great loss" of some 12th century footpath and moan how city folk don't understand, then wander off to shotgun some wildlife and pellet the fields liberally with poisons, toxins and myximatosis (if that's how you spell it). Then yes, I hate them too.........

I like June Sarpong. I think she's utterly annoying in some kind of endearing way. I even like Sian Lloyd (because of her weird hands!).

Not much of a fan of the Royal Family or long jumpers/triple jumpers. I always tend to think that if such athletes were at the pearly gates trying to justify their existence or entrance to heaven and were asked "what did you do with your life" they'd have to answer:
"I jumped into a sandpit"
Almost on a par with curing cancer that one!

Footballers, on the other hand, are immune from this criticism as they bring joy to my life.

Rooser, I know what you mean about Sian Lloyd. There have been similar threads before, and though I wanted to mention her, just couldn't think of what her name was. That's the one with a really really wide smile, that uses exaggerated hand gestures? 

What someone else said about on another thread about Jonathan Ross is true.  I didn't watch that particular progam that the post was alluding to, but he does seem like a prat.

I used to like Carol Voderman (she's very intelligent), but she does seem to think she's the bee''s knees, ditto for Carol smillie.  

** that should read, " What someone else said about Jonathan Ross on another thread is true.

Hopalong, I don't dislike Trevor McDonald, but I find him totally pointless, so I can see what you mean!

I can't believe nobody has nominated that utter waste of space Jade Goody! And it has bred. Twice. Gawd help us. Personally, I think she is the single most annyoning miserable waste of the air it breathes ever. And she's worth a fortune - just where is the justice in that.


Lorraine Kelly - very very very annoying voice (and this is from somebody that by and large likes the scottish accent).


Fiona Phillips - likes to think she's an intellectual. She isn't. And she is the biggest exponent of one of my pet hates - she'll ask a politician a question, and then won't let him or her answer.


These are the first three that immediately spring to mind - there are many others: Ulrika Johnson, Mark Lawrenson, the Welsh rugby player who is knocking off Charlotte Church, Nadia from Big Brother, Ronaldo (Man U, not Madrid - stop doing those effing stupid stepovers) and so on...........................

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Whoops!  When I type an answer I get annoying huge type which then disappears, complete with my answer.  I was trying it out, but it didn't disappear - it posted.  Really, I haven't yet flipped.

Stevie21,  I am going to add All Footballers and when they get to the pearly gates they can say 'well I kicked a round ball about'  ;o).

P.S.  I HATE football.

June Sarpong, Natasha Kaplinski, Jamie Oliver, Jimmy Carr, Piers Morgan, Kerry McFadden, Trisha, that woman off the Direct Line car insurance, shane ritchie,  and anyone that has got their own show on the basis that they were on a reality tv programme - just to name a few.

What about rick stein? he goes on and on about using local produce, and then he uses stuff from all over the world, is olive oil locally produced in britain? I think not. and does he ever chew his food??
Yes!! Well done, Ducati, can't believe I forgot Mark "Mavis" Lawrenson. Stupid whiny voice, stupid haircut, horrible patronising attitude towards clubs from outside the Premiership, and an inherent inability to realise that HE'S NOT FUNNY. This is not helped by John Motson (not quite bad enough to be on my list, but certainly "bubbling under", pop pickers) chuckling at his "witticisms" and encouraging him.

As for Ronaldo, I don't mind the stepovers, it's the constant diving I object to.

FP - it's OK, you can come back now, football talk's over :O)
While we're on the subject of pointless careers, I'd add all philosophy graduates.
What, in the real world, does a philosophy degree teach you that other disciplines don't? To teach philosophy? Arrrgghh!!
Also, Tony Robinson and all archaeologists. So you can dig up a field and find bits of clay. What does finding out about Mr and Mrs Butcher of 847AD tell me about my life today?
In what way are you contributing to the world, other than to tell us about something that's already happened, will never happen again and has no bearing on anyone's day to day life??

Rant over.
I thought I was quite a tolerant person as well (disagreeing with most of the other suggestions here - I don't mind the folk you're listing) but philosophy always gets me started.
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Thank you all for your answers........It seems that there are some rather loathed celebrities out there......

I have just posted another question under History and Myths if you'd like to take a look...




ANY footballer that dives - this is the very worst aspect of football in my opinion, and I'm for draconian measures. If you blatantly dive, you are immediately sent off, suspended for at least three games, and made to wear a tutu upon your return to show what a ******* big girly blouse cheater you really are.

The entire cast of loose women, to me they represent the very worst creation has to offer, specially the one with brown straight hair and a nose like a blind cobblers thumb. if the occasion ever arise and a volunteer was needed, i would dash ninja like in to the studio flailing a dirty samurai sword and hack this crowd of no-marks into movable chunks. And don't anyone come back with "you don't have to watch them" That's billshut the whole point is these people know they have a captive audiance no one would choose to witness this crap, there is usually something worse on the other side at that time of the day!

June Sarpong - or should that be J-u-u-u-n-e S-a-a-a-r-p-o-n-g ~cackle cackle~, Anne Robinson, Sophie Ellis-Bextor, Jordan, Miquita Oliver - cover up your legs! (miaow), the character Lea in No Angels for failing to open her mouth whilst talking, Vernon Kay - plastic face, Jonathan Ross - used to like him but now he gets on my wick, Nicky Campbell because he scares me and Davina McCall for constantly shouting and wearing black.

Oh the list is so long!

But for starters, I have to agree with FP (all footballers!) and Ducati (Jade Goody must be one of the most pointless people on the planet).

Also Cilla Black, Piers Morgan, Cliff Richard, Dale Winton, Nicholas Parsons, Michael Winner and anyone who either presents or takes part in any reality TV show or any home or garden makeover show.

I'll probably think of some more later....

Ok, I stopped reading them a while ago so may be repeating some but here goes:

The cast of Hollyoaks apart from Tom

The cast of Footballers Wives.  All of them.

Jodie Marsh


Sod it, Kenzie and everyone else in his gang.  What are they called?

Whilst we're on the subject - So Solid Crew

Goldy Looking Chain

My sister-in-law

Ugly-Robbie of Eastenders Fame.  Something Gaffney.

Fiona Phillips - who told her she was funny?

Penny that reads the news - can you just for once read the news without trying to make some kind of smart*rse quip?

Trisha Goddard - she's been, done that and got the t-shirt sister, and her life will always be harder and worse than yours, but she got through it and you're just a  loser.

Most of the ex-big brother contestants, especially Kitten.  What a prize tw*t she is.  Complete and utter waste of space, I would rather spend a week locked in a room with Jade Goodey, than that pathetic doesn't-even-know-what-she-believes-in-herself pillock.

Delilah Cat - Thank you for reminding me about the awful Cilla Black, and to Natalie1982, thanks also for the reminder about Trisha Goddard.

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