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indian | 21:32 Tue 26th Apr 2005 | People & Places
21 Answers
All of humanity is wiped out apart from two people. Which two people would you choose to repopulate the earth?


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Indian, it would have to be me and Al Pacino (when he was young of course!)
My wife and myself (couldn't I keep my two kids ?)
LOL, Apart from the obvious(wife) it has to be me and Abi Titmuss.  As the saying goes she obviously knows her way around a four poster.............!

This is too scary to answer!

I would have said our two daughters, but then what about our granchildren? No, still too scary to contemplate.

Question Author
ok, i was thinking of something along the lines of two intelligent, good looking people who would create a race of good peaceful people. I'm not sure if Abi Titmus counts Philtaz!
me and johnny depp of course!!!!
Adam and Eve


LOL, Just glad I made the intelligent and good looking pre-requisite then!

OK then, me and Jennifer Aniston, especially as she's now at a bit of a loose end!

Maybe not, she smokes like a trooper by all acounts.  Me and J-Lo?
gabby logan and brian blessed!

IndieSinger and Laura Parker-Bowles
Bernard Manning and Ann Widdecombe
Peter Phillips and Autumn Whatsername
Michael Jackson and Jade Goody

kate moss and johnny depp.  how chiselled would everyones faces look?
I don't understand how 2 sexes able to repopulate the Earth. What happen to genetic diversity?

genetic diversity would be reintroduced over the generations

i feel so honoured to be given this choice!

My parents.
Our two daughters.
I would like to say me and Barry Manilow but I'm too old and he's ........??
Me 'n' Brad of course ;-)
Definitely Kylie Minogue and, hopefully, me.
God, I forgot, I've had my pockets picked. I guess that's the end of civilisation as we know it folks.

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