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The most expensive day out

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gerry | 20:05 Mon 30th May 2005 | People & Places
4 Answers
I was just wondering what's been the most expensive day out that you have forked out for?.Maybe it was a day trip you organized or were involved with.Maybe on paper it wasn't costing much but it was a different story when you got there.It could be a trip to the Cinema,Theater,Carnival,Swimming baths,Seadside or somewhere else.


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When I was a student so that is before you were born, someone complained (1971) how expensive London was, then, that she had spent �200 on lunch for four at Simpsons.Strand

Onlookers said I very nearly sank to my knees, crumpled and  lost consciousness.

�200 at decimalisation is about �2 000 now, which is alot of dosh for lunch.....

here is a �44,007 meal for six - I wasn't there and it's not really the sort of seaside story you were looking for, but it's a good read.
If I'd had to pay when I went it would probably have been an evening at the appalling musical "Acorn Antiques". Top seats cost �65. A new high for UK theatre tickets (excluding opera, of course).
The most expensive drink me and a mate had was a � 150 corona with lime in Milan, apparently discotheque there does not have the same meaning!

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The most expensive day out

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