Night Out Problem.... in The AnswerBank: People & Places
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Night Out Problem....

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SAH | 16:28 Fri 03rd Jun 2005 | People & Places
12 Answers
I'm male and my female friend is going drinking in London to a works do in a few weeks time and has said that she'll be making her own way home afterwards, either by Taxi or by Bus and Tube. I'm really not happy about this, particularly when she has admitted that she doesn't really know the people she'll be drinking with that well. I should just add that my friendship with her is strictly platonic (I've known her for over 7 years) but I'm really concerned as to her safety, especially as you hear so many horror stories of women being attacked these days. I'd even suggested turning up at the pub later on just to walk her home but she didn't seem bothered.
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is she from a little village and doesn't go out in a big city much? London is probably safer than many other cities in the UK and if she is going out in a popular area then there will be thousands of other people around, especially at the weekend, even at 4am.  More than likely one of the work mates will make sure she is OK.  If she is from london then I'm sure she knows what she is doing.  Even if not, the tube and night buses are safe even really late at night.  If there aren't many people on the bus then sit up near the driver.  If she gets a proper black cab then she will be fine there too, that is probably the best as she doesn't have to walk home from a bus stop or tube station.  Just don't get into a minicab. 

Ultimately it isn't ideal for her to make her own way home if it involves anywhere that is pretty deserted at night, BUT it is possible to be a safe lone female in London and I'm sure she will be too.  As long as she has a brain on her she will be fine.

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Thanks morg_monster. I think you're spot on about getting a black cab home, it's certainly the most safest option.
if you are concerned for her then discreetly turn up and escort her home. drinking has a way of throwing common sense out the window.  ok leave her to it and if anything happens then rest assured that its not your fault.    the choice is yours.   Good Luck.

You are a gentleman Sah and your friend is lucky to have such a chivalrous friend. I agree with Christo-common sense does tend to fly out of the window after a drinking session and your friend might well be glad to have a sober and trustworthy friend to escort her home. Discretion is the watchword, however, as she won't want her friends to get the impression she can't look after herself and needs nannying.


Your friend is old enough to make her own decisions. What she does on her night out is none of your business, so stop playing daddy and get yourself a girlfriend. 
Have you thought that she may already have a liaison in mind with someone from that group and she doesn't want to hurt your feelings?
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Thanks for your advice everyone, it's much appreciated. Landie - she already has a boyfriend but he is away at the moment. Romeo - if you had a friend who was attacked on a night out you might have a different attitude, we're living in the 21st century now in case you didn't realise and you only have to read the newspapers to see the sort of stuff that's going on, so stop being so hard hearted and be a bit more understanding about this situation.
tell her to store a black cab firm called "zingo" in her phone 08700 700 700 they take credit cards and specialize in single women getting home -check them out on google
Question Author
Thanks glenis that sounds like an excellent idea!
 It's really nice that you are concerned about your friends safety. I'm female and I've often travelled home alone by bus or train/tube after a night out in London and so have many of my friends and thankfully nothing bad has happened to any of us. Bad things can happen to anyone, anywhere at any time so you can't spend your life worrying 'what if'.
I agree with CiderMonkey.
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I agree with you CiderMonkey, but if you can minmise that risk then it's got to be worth it. Anyway I really don't think I could live with myself if my friend was to be attacked and I'd just let her make her own way home.

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