FINA. Just to remind you that you cannot get benefits for being an alcoholic. You get benefit, if you do not have a job, you are unable to get a job due to ill-health, or you are disabled in such a way that you need assitance to care for yourself or get around.
On the separate issue of alcoholism you are right to question the disease model, some people believe it and some don't. There's a suggestion that genetics is involved since it runs in some families but nothing proven. There's no doubt that alcohol in excess causes disabling disease. Acoholism fits a disease model which is that once the diagnosis is made then treatment can begin. Like all diseases it cannot be treated without consent, so the diagnosis has to be accepted by the individual.
The difficult issue is that because this disease is (superficially) self inflicted its possible to blame the individual. After all they choose to drink. For debates sake, does the state have any obligation to (for example) a motorcyclist who crashes and ends up unable to walk? Or a diabetic who doesn't control their diet? Or someone who has a heart attack and continues to eat chips? Or someone who choses quality of life over chemotherapy?