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Diana. Did you really want to know?

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xyzzyplugh | 21:21 Sun 24th Nov 2002 | People & Places
3 Answers
Diana's top ten record collection.on Channel 5 tonite. Was it mind numbingly boring or is this the kind of show you want on TV? Talk about 'the public wants what the public gets'. I mean I know she was a princess, 'and she's in the book' but how minutely do we need to explore her? What's next? her dental records?


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Is 'died in your arms tonight' an offensive suggestion for Diana's top ten records? or is it an amusing, valid 'sick' joke? (we all do it.) and why are AB jumbling the words of my submissions? and where is free speech in a jounalistic world? Should we burn books?
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I don't drink TW but in the american sense of the word, yes I am p*ssed at AB for not only censoring me but taking my words out of context and presenting a false picture. But maybe I should calm down some as it's normal journalistic practice to distort things. That's why they're called editors, because they edit. And as Oscar Wilde said, 'there's only one thing in the world worse than being misquoted and that's being misrepresented'

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