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what should my name be?

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barry&betty | 09:51 Sun 21st May 2006 | People & Places
29 Answers
i really don't like my user name there was a really stupid reason i chose it in the first place which now seems stupid. some of u have really cool user names and being the biff i am i can't think of anything good. anyone got any suggestions? i'm open to all offers xXx


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ask zeus cos he does it all the time

i got mine from my teenage daughters friends but i dont know what it means

ask zeus he does it all the time

i got mine from my teenage daughters friends but i dont know what it means

or was it my teenage sons friends

I thought whiffey was whimsical and baked-beany.

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i like the picture i conjure up for u dilf it couldn't be further from the truth although the gimp bit quite suits my husband!!
Why not make it simple cos I don't think you would have put both names unless your husband dabbled on the AB also. So why not BB(Barry and Betty)
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i thought both us were gonna use this site when i registered but he has looked once. he said if he wants to know anything he'll just get me to ask. i just want something funky there are so many wicked names on here and I WANT ONE!!

OK. In that case you might find this a good bit of fun:

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can't remember the last time i saw betty boop!!! i like bimbo! maybe that should be my name, my husband said i should be bimbo or stormy as they both suit me! my daughter wants me to be called pinkie pie (her favourite my little pony)

barney and betty were good friends of fred and wilma till betty ran off with barry leaving barney to bring up bam bam. bam bam hads to fight tooth and nail with pebbles the daughter of fred and wilma to name their daughter after his mother rather than hers so their you go -betty perfect, i knew id get there in the end.

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what should my name be?

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