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which prime minister?

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lillagrace1 | 16:19 Mon 12th Jun 2006 | People & Places
9 Answers
which prime minister awarded the beatles mbe's?


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"Man of the People", Harold Wilson.
John sent his back though didn't he?
if i remember a few honours were returned when the beatles were awarded them
I might be wrong but I always understood that Her Majesty the Queen awarded such honours.
You are indeed, JudgeJ. The monarch of the day, or a stand-in, presents such honours. The honours are awarded by the government, of which the Prime Minister is the head. :)
I just googled and it said Harold Wilson. I think John and Paul returned theirs, not sure about George and Ringo, but its more than likely that they did.
Perhaps we are only dealing in semantics, shammydodger, but I understand that the Queen chooses the recipients upon the advice of the Prime Minister. I would therefore say that the awards are ultimately within the Monarch's gift and not the Prime Minister's.

heres a bit of info on the subject.Might help clarify things.

Then we will have to agree to disagree, which is no big deal :)

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