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Where does every live?

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applebee | 23:03 Thu 06th Jul 2006 | People & Places
79 Answers
This question has probablly already been asked by somebody, I tried to find one like it, but to no avail. Anyway I hope its OK to ask where everybody is from?? Certainly not looking for detail, but I thought it would be cool to find out all the different vicinities involved in AB.

I'm from Wisconsin..US....Dairy State! :)


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Hi applebee,I live on the Sunny Golden coast in North Devon.
Seems to me there's not a lot of work done in norfolk hehe...(:-)
Befordshire - home!!!
Manawatu, Lower North Island, New Zealand. Where abouts in Leeds Bonsaimaster?
A nice quiet place in Essex
Manchester... the "rainy place" !!
tamworth - home of the errrr sandyback pig!
hartlepool in the northeast were its we hung the monkey
opps i mean were we hung the monkey
Do you still have a monkey as a mayor, wonder years?
Writtle in Essex (the county of the white stillettos!) Tho originally from Filey in Yorkshire the pudding state!!)
Hi applebee I live in Edinburgh! Are you a little surprised to find that most people on here are from the UK or did you know beforehand that this was a UK site? Anyhyow it's nice to meet you and it's nice here....usually!
Hi n00dles - I am actually about halfway between Littlehampton and Bognor Regis. I'd better not be any more precise, too many clues for my army of stalkers, you know how it is. ;-)
Sunny mid beds.
home of...... er...... not much really
Nottinghamshire Noodles my daughter has just moved to Worthing starting a new job next week
Bedfordshire. The town I live in is SO boring. One day, I'll live in Brighton. I love that place!!
Wispy,Hows Smudge??

Where Brylcreem was invented, apparently. Not to mention the Balti.

Dizzieblonde, Yam Yams don't come from Birmingham.
Sussex. "We wunt be druv."
MANCHESTER-home of loads of things

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