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would we be related?

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on_the_rise | 22:48 Sun 09th Jul 2006 | People & Places
9 Answers
my sister's husband has a nephew that i like... would we be related or not? please explain how that circle works. thanks.


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Do you mean could you marry him?

There is no reason why you couldn't.

He is simply your brother-in-law's nephew.
Technically, you're related yes, but as it's not by blood at all, I'd say that's completely acceptable.
are you from Norfolk?
booldawg, she'd only be here in Norfolk if it was her brother-in-law's brother-in-law :)

Hes not blood related so theres nothing to be worried about.
I'd rather be a norfolk than a dingle???????????????EH!
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okay, thanks... but is there any 'not-self-opinioned-thoughts' on this... like with the law or how any of that works... what would us to be called to eachother?
There can be no law that covers this. It's completely legitimate. You are not related to him, or if you are, I'm sure there's no title for it . The circle's simply not that wide.

(Perhaps you're "Auntie sister-in-Law"?)

Oh, go on, chat him up and have fun.
If I was going to be completely honest...I would advise against it.

Whilst you may not be directly related, there is still some level of relation - remember, you are still, essentially, his auntie's sister. This remains the case, no matter how you look at it. You're more of a 'distant' relative than a 'close' relative...but you ARE a relative, nevertheless. And what would happen if you were to pursue this any further? What impact would it have with the rest of the family?

Have you spoken to any of your best friends about this situation?

I do apologise if I have caused any offence. But that is my honest answer.

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would we be related?

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