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Princess Louise

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10ClarionSt | 18:45 Thu 20th Jul 2006 | People & Places
12 Answers
Where is Princess Louise, Edward and Sophies' baby? We never see them with her. Are they hiding her away for some reason? If not, why don't they let the public see her from time to time, as other royals do with their children?


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Why should they?
Exactly. She`s their daughter & as such I think they`re being great in NOT wanting to flaunt her infront the public.
She is Lady Louise, not Princess.

They decided not to give her the title of princess to allow her more of a private, normal childhood.
Edward is in the most fortunate position a royal can be in ~ noby gives a stuff about him therefore he, his wife & child can go about their daily lives with no interest in them whatsoever.

It is strange though, I admit. I haven't seen any official photographs since the christening.
Maybe because of the difficulties surrounding her birth they are extra protective.
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Get real, you guys! This was virtually an arranged marriage, a PR exercise to prove that the royals could produce happy relationships. I don't believe for one second that they live or have ever lived as a 'couple'. If he really is the father of the kid, it was a turkey-baster conception. Now that all the Daily Mail readers have forgiven Camilla and forgotten Diana, they no longer have to wheel out Edward and the 'family'.
Eddies sprog has been incarcerated in the tower, I believe
Not everyone has forgiven Camilla and forgotten Princess Diana. I for one think if it wasn't for Charlie s******g that old trout Diana would still be alive and would have a queen we would all have been proud of. If Charlie and his old bag ever make it to the throne England will be the laughing stock
England? I think you mean the United Kingdom... And i for one would not be proud to have Diana as a queen. She did her fair share of shagging about too... In fact, if I had my way, there'd be NO royals at all. Controversial...
Going off the subject a bit, but I don't think Camilla should be called an old bag. She has kept a few steps behind Charles which is what Diana should have done. She doesn't try to overshadow him. Princess Diana had her faults. As for Edward and Sophie, I am glad that they are allowing their child to be kept out of the limelight.
when she was born she had problems, i dont exactly know what but you would have thought they would have published some pictures of her how old is she now?

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